Breathing naturally refers to allowing your breath to flow effortlessly and in a relaxed manner, without any forced or controlled effort. Here is a summary of how to breathe naturally:


  1. Find a comfortable posture: Sit or stand in a relaxed and upright position. You can also lie down if that is more comfortable for you.


  1. Relax your body: Release any tension in your muscles, particularly in your shoulders, chest, and abdomen. Let your body be at ease.


  1. Breathe through your nose: Inhale and exhale through your nose, if possible. Nasal breathing filters, warms, and humidifies the air, making it more optimal for the body.


  1. Observe the breath: Bring your awareness to the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. Notice the natural rhythm and flow of your breath.


  1. Deepen the breath: As you relax, allow your breath to naturally deepen. Feel the expansion of your abdomen, ribcage, and chest as you inhale, and the gentle release as you exhale.


  1. Let go of control: Avoid consciously manipulating or forcing your breath. Instead, allow your body to guide the breath, trusting in its innate wisdom.


  1. Be present: Stay present with each breath, observing the sensations and movements without judgment or analysis. Simply witness the breath as it naturally unfolds.


  1. Practice mindfulness: Use this opportunity to cultivate mindfulness by anchoring your attention to the breath. Whenever your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the present moment and the sensation of breathing.


Remember, natural breathing varies from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as activity level, emotions, and environment. The goal is to develop a relaxed, effortless, and mindful relationship with your breath, allowing it to support your overall well-being.
